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Pup Retrieves But Want Let Go

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Well my pup is16 weeks now and is quite obedient sit fetch etc but one thing she will not do on the retrieve is release from her jaws she growls even try's to nip your hand and it's the same no matter what she retrieves any advice or will she grow out if it

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Well my pup is16 weeks now and is quite obedient sit fetch etc but one thing she will not do on the retrieve is release from her jaws she growls even try's to nip your hand and it's the same no matter what she retrieves any advice or will she grow out if it

Does the pup reference your hands as completely positive?

Have you ever disciplined with your hands

Hand feed getting plenty of contact using the other hand to massage around the face and zero stimulation in the house

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ive got young dog now holds on to everything he catches,its no prob as he brings all his catches back will stand by you with it in his mouth, just say dead and he will slowly give it to you, but don't try to pull it of him, he got a jaw like bear trap :laugh:




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id f***ing twat it if it growled at me, if it has the same attitude when its older and it only nips you it might take your hand off, or worse still a childs, that is one thing i never tolorate in a dog is that domination behaviour, it needs nipping in the bud now mate


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I would not pay heed to advice to 'hit the dog' or disciplining it physically. You want to build trust, its really important :yes:


Start using treats for general training, get it used to coming to your hand for its reward.

Then teach a 'leave' command its really easy to do with treat training, plenty of youtube clips etc.


The best tip when the dog brings things into to you be it a dummy, a old bottle in fact anything, it is to NEVER snatch it from the dogs mouth. Let it TRUST you and get used to being close to you with its catch/dummy without fear of you snatching it away.


If the dog is nipping or using his teeth, just use some 'bite inhibition training' its easy enough, maybe google it. Ian dunbar here explains a bit about it


Good luck Sirius :thumbs: :thumbs:

Edited by Sirius
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Do as bird says that works or put ya hand under its belly hold the rabbit and lift the dogs back end up it should let go but give a command when you do this then it will realize it has to give it to you on command


Why not just teach a 'leave/ release' command? surly its easier?


But before that the OP needs to sort that bite problem :yes: It's easy to do.

Edited by Sirius
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